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Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy - part 2

The course Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy - part 2, developed by the UNESCO Chair in Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy Research and Education in the framework of the UNITWIN-UNESCO program, aims to provide an overview of the different green technologies/solutions for clean and innovative energy production, storage, distribution and final uses. After providing an overview of the different technologies related to energy storage, which represent a key-point from the strategic standpoint, solutions related to distributed generation and smart grids are presented. The second part of the course focuses on clean Hydrogen production, storage and use, also investigating Power-to-gas and Power-to-fuel solutions. Finally, practical applications in the field of sustainable transports (maritime, cars, trains, etc.) are presented, considering different Countries and scenarios. This course integrates and completes the First Pack of lessons, more focused on energy policies and clean energy production technologies by RES.

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Energy modellingRenewable energyTeaming and Pooling activities

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